Number of volumes 15
Number of issues 30
Number of manuscripts 374
Number of authors 882
Number of manuscripts view 2,739,327
Number of received  original file of manuscripts 767,560
Number of indexed databases  11
Number of reviewers 270
Acceptance rate %45

"Iranian Journal of Pulses Research" is a scientific journal that has been regularly and continuously published in semi-annually form (two issues per year) since June 2019.
This specialized journal publishes the results of legume research in various fields, including agriculture and agronomy, breeding and biotechnology, ecophysiology, resistance and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, plant medicine, food industry, agricultural economics, mechanization, etc., in the form of research manuscripts publishes after reviewing.

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 2 - Serial Number 30, December 2024, Pages 129-349 

Documenting the Production Process of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Gorgan, Ali Abadkatol and Aqqola Regions

Pages 317-332


Mohammad Reza Mansouri Vajari; Ebrahim Zeinali; Afshin Soltani; Benjamin Torabi; Alireza Nehbandani

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