The study of phenological traits, yield and yield components of three Mungbean (Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek) cultivars to deficit irrigation in Sistan region

Document Type : Original Articles



Water scarcity is a major factor for limiting crop growth and development in arid and semi-arid regions. In order to study the effects of varying timing and severity of water deficit on mung bean phenological traits, a field experiment was carried out during 2009 growing season at agricultural research institute of Zabol University. The experiment was laid out in split plot by using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. The treatments were comprised of four levels of deficit irrigation (DI) included: 1) irrigation based on depletion of 45% available soil water in all growth period (control), 2) irrigation based on depletion of 70% available soil water in all growth period, 3) at vegetative growth stage, 4) and at reproductive growth stage as main plot and three mung bean varieties as sub plot consisted of Sistan (local cultivar), C2 (Gouhar), C3 (Partow). The results showed that appearance of first flower, numbers of days from sowing to first pod maturity, number of days to maturity, number of day from appearance of first flower to full maturity, yield and yield components were significantly affected by deficit irrigation, varieties and their interaction. The result showed that, Sistan local variety was more resistant against the DI applying in all treatment and produced higher grain yield and yield components.
