Effects of drought stress and planting methods on yield and yield components of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars

Document Type : Original Articles


Shiraz, Iran


In order to evaluate the effects of drought stress and planting method on yield and yield components of two chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.), an experiment was carried out at the research field of Faculty of Agriculture; Shiraz University, using a split factorial randomized complete block design with four replications. The main factor was irrigation stop at different growth stages of chickpea (two weeks after emergence= I1, flowering= I2 and normal irrigation= I3) and sub-factor involved a combination of two varieties of pea (Arman and Azad) and sowing methods (ridges, furrow and flat planting), respectively. Results showed that the highest and lowest pod number per plant, seeds per plant, two seeded pod percent, grain weight, grain yield and biological yield were obtained from I3 and I1 treatments, respectively, and the trend was contrary in the case of hollow pods. Most of pods per plant, seed per plant, two seeded pod percent, seed weight and seed yield were obtained from planting on ridges. Azad cultivar seed yield was more than (Arman 164 vs 117 g.m-2) and could be recommended in the Bajgah region. Although under drought stress condition seed yield was reduced in both cultivars but, it modification by changing the planting method from flat to ridge in the I1 and I2 treatments, and it can be used as a way of reducing seed yield loss by 26 and 32 percent, respectively.


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