The effect of using an integrated phosphate and Zinc bio and chemical fertilizers on yield and nutrient uptake of two cultivars of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Document Type : Original Articles


Department of Soil and Water Research, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center; Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shahrekord, Iran


Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the richest seeds in legumes. Scientific and correct use of bio and organic fertilizers are a strategy to reduce the accumulation of chemical materials in agricultural products, soil and water resources and living organisms. Mycorhizal fungi, Phosphate and Zn solubilizing bacteria are the sample of these bio fertilizers. The most important beneficial effects of mycorrhizal symbiosis is increase the nutrient uptake, water use efficiency, productivity, improve plant nutrition and resistance to environmental stresses. The results of mycorrhizae symbiosis research in different plants show that the increase uptake of nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), Zn, Copper (Cu) and Manganese (Mn). Mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) such as Azotobacter spp., and Pseudomonas spp. are able to increase uptake of nutrient elements particularly when they are applied with others. Phosphate and Zinc solubilizing bacteria facilitate uptake of slowly diffusing nutrient ions such as P, Zn, Fe and increase their availabilities usually by increasing volume of soil exploited by plants, spreading external mycelium, secreting organic acids, production of dehydrogenase and phosphates enzymes and reducing rhizosphere acidity. The main objective of this farm study was to evaluate the effect of using of P and Zn chemical and bio-fertilizers on yield, concentration and uptake of nutrient elements for the first time in two cultivars of bean in the Chaharmahal-va- Bakhtiari province.
Material & Methods
This field experiment was carried out as a factorial based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments of this research consisted of two cultivars of Chiti bean (Talash and Sadri), four levels of P (P0: Control, P1: Chemical fertilizer on the basis of soil test, P2: 50 percent of recommended P + bio-fertilizer (P), and P3: bio-fertilizer (P)), three levels of Zn (Zn0: Control, Zn1: 50 kg ha-1 Zinc sulphate, and Zn3: bio-fertilizer (Zn)). Bio-fertilizer (P) treatment consisted of using inoculum of P solubilizing bacteria from Azotobacter chroococcum strain 5 and three species of mycorrhizal fungi from Glomus species (Clariodeoglumus etunicatum, Rhizophagus intraradices and Funneliformiss mosseae). Zn bio-fertilizer treatment consisted of using inoculum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain MPFM and Pseudomonas fluorescent strain 187. Chemical fertilizers were applied from TSP at a rate of 100 and 50 kg ha-1 in P1 and P2 respectively, 50 kg ha-1 ZnSO4.7H2O in Zn1. After harvesting the seed yield and nutrient concentration were measured. The nutrient uptake was measured by multiple seed yield on nutrient concentration. Statistical analysis was done with SAS statistical software. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to compare means.
Results & Discussion
The results of this experiment showed that there were significant difference between two cultivars on seed yield, nutrient concentration and nutrient uptake. The maximum values of studying parameters were obtained for Sadri cultivar (table 2 and 4). The effect of P treatment was significant on studying parameters, in a way P2 treatment in comparison with control treatment caused to increase seed yield (29%) Nitrogen (39%), P (98%), K (59%), Fe (32%), Zn (57%), Mn (45%) and Cu (22%) Uptake (Table 2 and 4). These results were agreement with findings of other researches. The effect of Zn treatment was significant on seed yield and nutrient concentration except Mn and nutrient uptake except P and Mn. The maximum nutrient uptake and bio enrichment except Fe was obtained from Zn1 (Table 2 and 4). Bean is one of the sensitive plants to Zn deficiency. In this study, the response to using Zn fertilizer was showed because of low soil Zn content. The antagonistic effect between P and Zn caused to decreasing concentration and uptake of P in Zn1 and Zn2. The interaction effect between P and Zn was significant on seed yield, nutrient concentration and uptake except P and Fe uptake. The maximum of studying parameters was obtained from P2Zn1 (Table 3 and 5). In this study, the dual inoculation with phosphate and Zn bio-fertilizers caused to increase nutrient concentration and uptake and improve seed enrichment especially elements with slowly diffusion ions such as P and Zn. It can be done with increasing mycorrhizal symbiosis, root colonization, phytosiderophores secretion, organic acids and chelated compounds production.
The results of this research revealed that individual and dual use of phosphate and Zn bio-fertilizers caused to increase seed yield, nutrient concentration and uptake in two studied cultivars of bean. Microorganisms used in biological treatments caused to increase the availability, concentration and uptake of nutrient elements. It can be done with increasing mycorrhizal symbiosis, root colonization and enhance secretion of siderophore compounds, organic acids and chelate compounds. Also, plant hormones and enzymes promoting growth increased with using of these bio treatments. In this research, the best treatment was using of mycorrhizal fungi with Azotobacter inoculant and 50 kg ha-1 TSP and 50 kg ha-1 ZnSO4.7H2O. (P2Zn1 treatment). With using integrated bio and chemical-fertilizers of P and Zn in addition to reduce chemical P fertilizers application can be produce health grain with high quality and rich of nutrients.


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