Identification of plant parasitic nematode collected from pulse fields in Northern Khorasan province

Document Type : Original Articles


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


In order to identify the plant parasitic nematodes of pulse fields in Northern Khorasan province, 41 soil and root samples were collected from rhizosphere of Pisum sp., Phaseoulus sp., Lens sp. during 2011 and 2012. The nematodes were extracted by combined sieving and centrifugal-flotation method of Jenkins (1969) and transferred to glycerin by using method of De Grisse (1969). The permanent slides were prepared and the nematodes were studied by light microscopy. In this study, 11 species from seven genera belonging to Tylenchina and Aphelenchina were identified as follows: Aphelenchus avenae, Aphelenchoides limberi, A. spicomucronatus, Ditylenchus adasi, D. tenuidens, Filenchus cylindricaudus, F. thornei, Geocenamus tenuidens, Helicotylenchus vulgaris, Pratylenchus neglectus, P. thornei. Among these species, Ditylenchus adasi is new record for nematode fauna of Iran.


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