Some physical properties of seeds and splits of Desi chickpea (Kaka var.

Document Type : Original Articles


Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural College, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Some physical properties such as geometrical, gravimetrical, frictional and aerodynamic features
of seeds of Desi chickpea and its splits were studied at a moisture content of 8.2 and 9.0% w.,
respectively from north-western of Iran. Geometrical and gravimetrical properties including the
average length, width, thickness, the geometric mean of diameter, sphericity, 1000-seed weight, unit
weight, bulk density, true density, porosity and volume of samples were measured. Results showed
that amounts of bulk density, true density and porosity calculated for seeds of desi chickpea were
higher than those obtained for its splits. Furthermore, frictional properties of samples such as emptying
and filling angles of repose and static coefficient of friction with respect to five surfaces (glass,
fiberglass, rubber, galvanized iron and polywood) were determined. The least static coefficient of
friction for both samples was allocated to glass surface. In the case of seeds of Desi chickpea,
polywood had the greatest static coefficient of friction, while for its splits, fiberglass was the highest.
Terminal velocity for splits was greater than those measured for seeds of chickpea.
Key words: aerodynamic propertie, frictional, geometrical, gravimetrical