Efficacy of paraquat herbicide for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) weed management in stale seedbed practices

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Lorestan

2 Tehran University


Paraquat herbicide weed control efficacy in stale seedbed practices was evaluated by split plots arrangement according to a randomized complete block design with three replications in Lorestan province during 2009 and 2010. The common bean seed rate (in three levels: 100, 150 and 200 kg.ha-1) and weed management in seven levels (1. Trifluralin PPI; 2. Paraquat PRE; 3. Bentazon+acifluorfen POST; 4. Trifluralin PPI+ Bentazon+acifluorfen POST; 5. Paraquat PRE +Bentazon+acifluorfen POST; 6. Hand weeding; 7. Weedy check) were allocated to main plots and sub plots, respectively. In the first year, among the herbicide treatments, the lowest weed density was belonged to the paraquat PRE+Bentazon+acifluorfen POST, that reduced weed density by 68% in comparison to weedy check. Trifluralin PPI+ Bentazon+acifluorfen POST, Paraquat PRE +Bentazon+acifluorfen POST, and Bentazon+acifluorfen POST alone were reduced weed biomass 83, 82 and 70%, respectively. Based on the second year experimental results, all management treatments significantly reduced weed density compared to weedy check. Treatments included Trifluralin PPI, by average were reduced weed density 77% compared to weedy check. Integrated application of Paraquat PRE+Bentazon+acifluorfen POST, also reduced weed density by 55%, and had not significant differences with superior treatment.


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