Distribution study of resistant genes to Bean Common Mosaic Virus in bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using SCAR molecular markers

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Islamic Azad University, Shiraz-Iran

2 Tehran University


In order to determine resistance genetically potential of some bean genotypes to Bean Common Mosaic Virus, two separated experiments in randomized complete block design with 25 genotypes and three replications was conducted in IAU Shiraz Branch. The first experiment and the second one were performed in normal and BCMV infected conditions, respectively. Plants were inoculated in cotyledon leaf and first triple leaflet stage in the method of mechanical using carborundum powder. After 21 days, the first inoculation, sampling for PTA-ELISA test was done. According to the results, the genotypes that have I gene and at least one of the bc-3 and bc-12 genes showed less yield decline in BCMV infected conditions than other genotypes (p-value=0.001). The least yield variation was relevant to WA8528-9 genotype (5.67%) which containing of I and bc-3 genes. Among the genotypes, only 11805 had all of three (I, bc-3 and bc-12 ) genes. Yield variation of this genotype was 9.05%. Evidences have shown that 60% of genotypes had I, 44% had bc-3 and 8% had bc-12 genes, respectively. One of the other important results of this research was negative reaction of two genotypes (Local Khomein and Capsoli) to ELISA test. These genotypes were devoid of each three resistant genes, whereas yield variations of them were low in BCMV infected conditions. Existence of new combinations of genes are possible in Local Khomein and Capsoli genotypes, so these genotypes should be considered specially.


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