Effect of fish waste, chemical fertilizer and biofertilizer on yield and yield components of bean (Vigna sinensis) and some soil properties

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Shahrood University

2 Shahrood university


One of the acute nutritional problems is protein deficiencies of millions humankind under developing countries. Legumes are one of the important sources of protein after cereals. The range of protein content of legumes is between 18 to 23 percent that makes it a good source of protein for low income people (Mohammadzadeh, 2012). Legumes with biological fixation can improve soil fertility which can be in crop rotation that is useful in soil conservation (Parsa and Bagheri, 2008). In sustainable agriculture as legumes expect low nutrient they can be cultivated in low input agriculture. Bean (Vigna unguiculata sp. Sinensis) is one of the valuable crops from point of nutrient view especially in vitamins and proteins (Zia-Ul-Haq et al., 2013). This crop has wide range of compatibility under different climate and it is cultivated in wide range of soil with good management. In Iran this crop is cultivate for a long time. In regions like Garmsar and Varamine and some alike climate it is one of the main crops. Combination of chemical fertilizer and manure can creat suitable environment for plant growth, as manure has suitable effect on soil properties and chemical fertilizers can cause better nutrient availability. Fish waste is one of the organic fertilizers that has been used for a long time, dating back to Egyptian in Egypt and Red Indian in America. This manure is full of nutrient like nitrogen, phosphorus which can be beneficial to farms. The aim of this research was to study the effect of fish waste manure and chemical fertilizers on qualitative and quaititative properties of bean and soil physical and chemical properties.

Materials & Methods
This experiment was conducted in 2012-2013 in greenhouse of agriculture college of Shahrood University. This research was carried out in the form of factorial based on randomize completly design with three replications. Experimental factors were fish waste in three levels: controls (F0), 500 kg ha-1 (F1) and 1000 kg ha-1 (F3). Chemical fertilizers in three levels: control (N0P0K0), half of the local recommendation (N1P1K1, nitrogen 25 kg ha-1, phosphorus 40 kg ha-1, and potassium 35 kg ha-1) and local recommendation (N2P2K2), nitrogen 50 kg ha-1, phosphorus 80 kg ha-1, and potassium 70 kg ha-1. Psodomonas bacteria with two levels: control (B0) and applied (B1). Physical and chemical properties of soil were analysed before conducting the research. Pots were filled with 6 kg soil and treatments were mixed with the soil and ten seeds were sown in each pot. Plant components like plant height, pod in plants, seed number in pods, total dry weight of shoot, pod dry weight and leaf chlorophyll with SPAD 502 were analyesd. Nitrogen was evaluated with kejehldal, phosphorus with Olsan P (1954), Organic C with walkley and Black methods (1934), pH with pH meter, and ECe with EC meter. All data were analyzed for analysis of variance with MSTATC and Excel 2007 and mean comparisons were done using LSD at 5 percent level of significant.

Results & Discussion
Chemical fertilizers had significant effect on plant height at 1% level of significance. However, the effect of fish waste, psodomonas bacteria and their interactions compare to control had increasing effect on plant hight but was not significant. The main effect and interaction of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria were significant at 1% level on pod weight. However, the highest pod weight was observed in the application of chemical fertilizer at N2P2K2. Nevertheless, the application of chemical fertilizers can provide essential elements to plat for better growth. Application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect on plant total shoot weight, other treatments and their interactions did not have significant effect on plant total shoot weight. Chemical fertilizers application at N2P2K2 and fish waste application had significant effects on leaf chlorophyll. Except chemical fertilizers other treatments had significant effects on seed protein percentage at 1% level of significance. The interaction effects of chemical fertilizer and psodomonas bacteria on seed protein percent had increasing effect compared with control. Application of fish waste had significant effect on seed phosphorus at 5% level of significance, but application of chemical fertilizers and its interaction with fish waste had significant effect at 1% level on seed phosphorus, also their effects and their interactions on seed potassium were significant at 1% level, however psodomonas bacteria had no significant effect on seed potassium. Application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect at 5% level on soil EC and fish waste had significant effect at 1% level on soil electrical conductivity. Application of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant decreasing effect on soil pH compare to control. Amoung all treatments, only fish waste had significant effect on soil organic matter. Chemical fertilizer application and its interaction with fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant effect on soil nitrogen percent, but this increase was more in chemical fertilizer application. Between all treatments only application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect on soil available potassium.

According to results, application of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant effect on all evaluated properties of plant and soil.


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