Evaluation of Mungo bean (Vigna radiata) growth indices as affected by various planting patterns

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Center for Research and Education of Agriculture and Resources Golestan Province Natural, Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization, Gorgan, Iran

2 Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Ilam, Iran

3 Azad University Dezful, Iran


Manipulating of planting pattern is a method to increase the crop yield per unit of area which should be considered in different regions. In order to evaluate the effects of between and within row distances on growth indices of Gahar Mung bean, an experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center of Ilam in 2004. The experiment was a split-plot arranged in an RCB design.Three between row distances i.e. 50, 65 and 80 cm and three within row distances i.e. 5, 7.5 and 10 cm were levels of main and sub plots, respectively. In order to determine growth trend, sampling was conducted every week starting at seven days after emergence. Study of variation in DM, LAI, NAR and LWR of main plots revealed that 50cm between rows was better than 60 and 80 cm. Decreasing the distances between rows resulted in increasing of CGR. Decreasing the within rows distances had the same results. 50cm between rows distances had the least RGR. Decreasing within rows distances decreased RGR, too in a way that 10 cm within row had the greatest RGR. Between rows 50cm had the greatest LAR especially in first half of growth duration. LAR in within rows followed the same trend as between rows. Based on these results obtained, in order to improve Mungobean yield it could be suggested to apply planting pattern of 50×5 cm.

Key words: Growth indices, Plant spacing, Vigna radiata L.